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Elizabeth Ross MA (she/her)

Veriditas Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator | Certified Sound Healing Practitioner | Historical Interpreter | Scholar | Musician | Storyteller | Artist | Collector of Good People

I asked my mother when I was a preschooler how my Nanny could be in the ground and in Heaven at the same time. I’ve been asking critical questions about spirituality and religion ever since.

So should you.

That’s why I focus on evidence-based practices and encourage personal exploration.

After a lifetime of searching for answers to spiritual questions in over a dozen different religions and a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies, what I have found is that, regardless of the differences in theology, there are common elements that lead to profound experience:

🌌Meaning-making through storytelling
🌟Introspection and commitment to personal growth
🧘‍♀️Contemplative practice
💫Participation in community

This is why these are the tools I teach through participation in wellness experiences. You can’t learn experiential process in a book. With or without a spiritual framework, supportive communities and authentic connection are the cornerstones of wholeness.

I’m creating spaces where we can show up with and for each other as our authentic selves. This is how I teach you tools and practices that will help you to shape your own meaning in a way that empowers you to live your life to the fullest.

My services:

⚡️EDUCATE about the history of religious, spiritual, and folk practices to inform
⚡️EXPERIENCE that will help you find the right tools to
⚡️EMPOWER you to live your best life, as YOU define it!

I have also been known to accumulate unorthodox hobbies, like fire spinning, and can occasionally be found playing the harp in such unexpected places as campgrounds, transport trucks, and beaches. Because musical instruments are meant to be played, not just displayed. Much like our lives are meant to be lived, not just led.

In a world that demands constant productivity, prioritizing self-care is a radical act. Are you ready to join me to begin your radical transformation? Check out my upcoming events or drop me a line!